What can we help you find?

Whole health, whole community Social Support Services

Our Social Support Team adds a supportive layer to your healthcare journey by coordinating care with you and your Care Team to make sure that you understand your unique healthcare plan and have the resources you need to get and stay healthy.

We care, connect, and coordinate

Our Social Support Team provides Case Management for anyone who needs help finding resources, such as transportation, housing, financial assistance, employment, food access, utilities, and other community resource referrals. We also help manage your healthcare needs, including care coordination for behavioral health, addiction treatment, dental care, and other specialty care referrals, transition of care from the hospital to primary care, and support you in managing complicated or new health conditions.

You can also search and connect to support for financial assistance, food pantries, and other free or reduced-cost help through PA Navigate.

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Help applying for health insurance

We care for every person with or without insurance. We offer many different payment plans and programs that keep our services affordable. Our Social Support Team can also help with applying for health insurance coverage through Pennie, CHIP, Medicaid, and/or Medicare.

Paying for appointments

Meet Our Community Health Resource Coordinators

Whether in person or through virtual appointments, our Community Health Resource Coordinators are here to support you. This team is here to meet you where you are, find and remove barriers to your care, and empower you to confidently manage your physical, behavioral, and emotional health.

See the faces behind the support—our Community Health Resource Coordinators, here to walk with you on your health journey.

Meet the CHRC team

Related Services Our Teams Provide

Mental Health

Psychiatric care, brief interventions & short-term counseling, referrals, and more – for all ages & stages

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Addiction Treatment

Medication-assisted treatment and/or behavioral health counseling for anyone experiencing substance use disorder

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Primary Care

Health services for all ages that include treatment when you are sick, and help preventing sickness when you are well

Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Urgent Care located, what can be treated, and what are the hours?
What health insurances do you accept and how much are healthcare services?
What is the Sliding Fee Discount Program and how much are healthcare services?
How can I reach my Provider/Care Team for a prescription medication refill?
How long does it take to get a medical or dental referral?

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