All Union Community Care locations will be closed on Wednesday, December 25, and Wednesday, January 1. Check for more adjusted holiday hours.
Full holiday hours.
What can we help you find?

Whole Health. Body, Mind, and Heart. Welcome!

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We provide a full range of healthcare services throughout Columbia, Denver, Lancaster, Lebanon, and New Holland.

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Find the Provider for me

Our Providers embrace each patient’s unique culture, needs, and values, and embolden them to make healthful choices that fuel their well-being.

Our Providers

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Schedule or change your appointment, login to your Patient Portal, or connect with us outside of patient care.

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At Union Community Care, our mission is

to spark equity through patient-led healthcare that welcomes and strengthens our communities by integrating body, mind, and heart.

We believe in whole health.

This means we address and heal disease, but equally important, we work at the causes of the causes, the social ills that must be addressed to achieve true equity.

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