What can we help you find?

are we a match? Join our Team

Do your personal values match up with our mission, vision, and model of care? We offer walk-in career/job interviews the first Wednesday of every month from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. at 812 North Prince Street in Lancaster. Stop by to see if we’re a match!

We invest, empower, and align

We invest our resources in staff through forward-facing pay, benefits, PTO, and more.

We know the importance of flexible work schedules and essential work/life balance. We offer flexible full-time and part-time hours.

We have aligned & empowered teams—we understand why our work matters, we enjoy our work, we support each other’s work, and we see the impact and value of our collective work—healthy patients and vibrant communities.

We are an an Equal Opportunity Employer. Ready to apply now? Email us your resume.

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Our mission

At Union Community Care, our purpose is to spark equity through patient-led healthcare that welcomes and strengthens our communities by integrating body, mind, and heart.

Our vision

Vibrant and healthy communities supported by inclusive healthcare that embraces each member’s unique culture, needs, and values, and emboldens them to make healthful choices that fuel their well-being and the well-being of others.

Our Model of Care

We believe in whole health. This means we address and heal disease but equally important, we work at the causes of the causes, the social ills that must be addressed to achieve true equity.

We listen, learn, and embrace the complex lives and unique strengths of our patients, and we work hard to break down all barriers to care. This means we look through a grassroots lens. We connect with our communities because we are our communities. Each of us is a neighbor, a friend, a family member, and together, we are a trusted community health center.

We are a Patient-Centered Medical Home

Union Community Care is a nationally recognized Patient-Centered Medical Home because of our inclusive approach to providing healthcare services that reflect the cultures, values, and needs of the individuals we serve. Our progressive Care Teams care deeply for their patients and bring unique experiences and diverse cultural backgrounds to our communities.

What it means to be a Federally Qualified Health Center

Union Community Care is part of a larger movement of Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), which are community-based, non-profit organizations that provide a full range of primary and preventive healthcare to their communities.

FQHCs are created by individuals in a community coming together with a mission to improve access to healthcare for those who are looking for a health home, those who don’t have health insurance, those who are under-insured, and those who are under-resourced, medically underserved and vulnerable. Every FQHC is different, but they all care for patients in a hyper-local, culturally-welcoming, and free-to-be setting.

FQHCs are vital resources in any community, and uniquely offer discounted rates or fees for medical and preventive dental services, payment plans, and programs that keep their services affordable. No one will ever be turned away for care if they can’t pay.

What we STAND for

Seeing those around us
We meet every family, friend, and neighbor where they live, relate to their lives, and see them as the brave, complex, and unique human beings that they are.

Telling the truth
Our conversations are difficult and bold, because our intentions are centered around equity for each other, our patients, and our communities.

Asking the right questions
We notice when things are cracked or broken, if our communities have been silent for too long, or if they are loudly trying to tell us something. We are proactive in asking questions to enact real change in our communities.

Not afraid
We aren’t afraid to stand strong in our purpose. When we stand strong in our purpose, we let the voices in our communities be heard. When we stand strong in our purpose, we change lives.

Different frame of mind
When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. We work from the inside out to address the causes of the causes that call to be addressed to not only spark, but achieve, true equity.

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Our Impact

Together, we are 350+ people who believe in whole health, address and heal disease, work at the causes of the causes, and stand to achieve true equity for 40,600+ neighbors through 149,100+ healing visits.

View our Impact Report

Our Providers

Our Providers embrace each patient’s unique culture, needs, and values, and embolden them to make healthful choices that fuel their well-being.

Meet our Providers

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